Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Comments - Rhetoric versus substance - by Raja Petra Kamarudin (Malaysia Today)

I fail to see what the arguments in the comments section is all about. RPK has said it very clearly that the Bill of Rights is a proposal in good faith and his stance in all the articles. I see it as proposal of what changes we should look forward to, focusing on what we want in short, concise sentences instead of what we do not want. It's a pro-active stance. We all know what we do not want. Fine. Now, we are being shown a list of things we aspire for. Visualise the outcome, plan how to achieve it, go for the details, then execute accordingly. Isn't it the way to achieve our goals?

I see the Bill of Rights as a symbol of our aspiration. What we hope and wish for in black and white. Not just mere rhetoric and abstracts. As pointed out, there are obstacles to achieve this final dream. How we overcome these obstacles? The devil, they say is in the details.

By presenting the Bill of Rights to MT readers, it has sparked some intensive discussions. As Joe Hakim pointed out, there are various obstacles to it's implementation. So, how do we overcome it? No one says that amending the Constitution is easy. Most of us don't read law. That's why we need the experts here who does to show us the pitfalls and educate us on this issue and how to avoid them. That would be more constructive than merely heaping criticism, complain and drown in the can’t do attitude.

I see RPK as focusing on the final goal. Of what we should look forward to in the event we got what we wish for and a new government is in place. It's like: "Okay, we have a new government. Now what? What plan do you have that you want implemented? What kind of freedom are you looking for?" - written in black and white for all to see and debate upon by the people so that any politician wishing to be elected into office would take heed of our will and starts thinking how and what they are going to do if elected.

It’s better than having elected a new government only to find that they are unprepared and starts a scramble for reform – in written form. By the time it gets to Parliament for vote, it may be election time again and we find that they have wasted 5 years achieving little if any of what we hope for.

Most commentators however, are focusing on execution. The problem is, we are focusing too much on how impossible it is to implement it. Fine, we have been shown the Everest high obstacles. Can we sit down and discuss how we can overcome it? What is needed? Surely it is not impossible since one reader to the letter "Amending the Constitution", Chindian, noted that the Federal Constitution has been amended 600 times in 50 years. So it like an average of 12 times every year, once every month! If we take it at face value, changing the Constitution doesn’t seem too difficult.

Let's continue to educate us how we can achieve it. Seeing only the obstacles achieves nothing. Let's start working it out and see how we can achieve it. We've already registered as voters. We have continued to read and inform ourselves on how the people and country as a whole is doing. We know who and what we are going to vote against. So what is it we are voting for? Change? What kind of change? We want it written in black and white for all to see. If the politicians are merely paying lip service, we do not hear. Nor do we want to. Show us in black and white that we can hold them to it and ensure that they will be responsible for their actions. Then, maybe then, we will see some real change we are all looking for.

Sunday, 4 September 2011

Libya - Yes, I'm saying that it's all lies

Dear reader,

Thank you for visiting my humble site.

If you have but a moment, please allow at least 15 minutes of your precious time on the link below. The words and the first five video shared in the link shook me to the core as no words can do. And I appeal upon you to share it with your friends and families and help spread it far and wide that the truth would be known to the people, even if just one person.

"Yes, I'm saying that it's all lies"

I wept in grief and shame at the destruction that has been brought to the people of Libya after reading through everything and viewed the videos. I have been following closely on the developments of propaganda surrounding the Libya invasion as an anti-war supporter. But nothing i have read thus far moved me as much and brought home to me with the entire weight on my conscience at the degree of atrocity, depravity and crime that has been committed against this country and its people. Their version of democracy and people engagement put my entire belief in ours to shame. Yes, the war and destruction that has been wrought to it is a crime against humanity and everything good in life that I belief in.

I condemn the actions of NATO and the war-mongers. And I implore upon everyone with a shred of conscience to spread the words of peace and reject the endless war propaganda. International Criminal Court, please hear our pleas and charge NATO together with the war-mongers with war crimes!

Saturday, 3 September 2011

Response to The Tripoli Uprising by Anand Gopal, Foreign policy.

Perhaps a background look at the publisher will provide us with an understanding on where the writer is coming from. As noted at the bottom of the article, the FP is published by the Slate Group which is a division of the Washington Post company. According to Wikipedia it has a history for its pro-war stance on Iraq, which, WMD is the original reason for the invasion. To date, no WMD has been found. So, what is the reason for the continuing occupation of Iraq? 

The Washington Post - Wikipedia

9/11 After a Decade: Have we learned anything? – by Dr Paul Craig Roberts

It is noted in the article that a group of political activists made up of doctors, engineers and businessman planned to issue a document to call for greater freedom. Issuing a document is a peaceful manner and we may compare it with BERSIH.

Drawing arms is terrorizing people and creating discords and destruction. It is violent and totally in opposition of the peace everyone works for and believes in. Where do the ordinary citizens get the kalashnikovs and AK47s for the purpose of overthrowing the government? Is it normal? Under what circumstances will our own government provide us, the ordinary citizens with no military training at all with the weapons?

More importantly, where does the money trail lead to? What is their true motive? What has happened to exercising the people's rights via votes? 

The Libya Media Hoax: Fabricated Scenes of Jubilation and Euphoria on Green Square – by Metro Gael

Libya: Some observations – By Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey

In the years since 9/11, Al-Qaeda has been branded the international terrorist that must be destroyed at all cost, and hence the wars being fought by US have been ever-expanding. Now we have confirmed Al-Qaeda rebels in Libya working hand in hand with NATO to overthrow Qaddafi. What does their actions tells us? 

Al-Qaeda and NATO’s Islamic Extremist Taking Over Libya – by Alex Newman 

No one person is perfect in the world. Instead of reading reports of the person alone, how about taking a look at the book he came up with and think about his ideas? His actions? What does it tell us about this person?

The Green book – by Muammar Al-Qaddaffi 

Libyan Leader Muammar Qaddaffi Speech on September 1, 2011

Horrors Of US-NATO Butchery of Libya Revealed –

Shouldn’t the sins he allegedly committed be read together with his contribution to his country and its people? What kind of contribution has he made to the people that many still remain loyal to him and caused over 200 prominent Africans wrote to NATO to criticize NATO’s actions? Why does the African Union reject the rebels?

Manifesto of the Libyan Tribal Council – Voltaire Network

Over 200 African Leaders: NATO’s Libyan War Part of the Plan to Recolonize Continent – by Mathaba

What and Why Libya – by jim Kirwan

African Union refuses appeals to recognize Libya’s rebels – by Peter Heinlein

Calling for ceasefire in Libya – by Emira Woods

If we talk about propaganda and conspiracy theory, who can miss the most powerful banker in the world and how about holding those involve in war propaganda accountable? And since there is contention that reporting from all sides are biased, which one should we advocate? War? Or peace?

The History of the House of Rothschild – by Andrew Hitchcock

Journalists who engage in war propaganda must be held accountable – by Thierry Meyssan

The Media’s Endless Propaganda for War – by David Swanson

NATO war crimes, the murder of journalists – by Lisa Karpova

From all accounts, NATO’s actions are illegal and has breached the UN resolutions:-
“Resolution 1970 and 1973 (2011) of the UN Security Council were very clear in their terms: No foreign military personnel, no mercenaries, no weapons to the parties in conflict and inspection of vessels ferrying arms and soldiers. NATO has breached all four counts and now is liable for prosecution under international law.”

The rest can be found here: NATO is in big trouble – by Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey

No, you will NOT re-arm the Libyan rebels – by Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey

When will NATO stop murdering Libyan children? – by Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey

What NATO is doing is illegal. Amidst all the propagandas and conspiracy theories that each side threw at the other, which is advocating for peace? Only the side that advocates for peace has the people’s well being at heart. Who is advocating for peace in name only, while their actions brought only bullets, bombs, deaths and destructions to the country? Peace can never be brought on by violence. The moment we pick up arms and turn them against each other, the bloodshed, destruction and hatred is exacerbated. War and violence brings only death and destruction.

“I refuse to accept the cynical notion that nation after nation must spiral down a militaristic stairway into the hell of thermonuclear destruction. I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word in reality….I have the audacity to believe that peoples everywhere can have three meals a day for their bodies, education and culture for their minds, and dignity, equality and freedom of spirits. I believe that what self-centered men have torn down men other-centered can build up.” – Martin Luther King

The True Meaning of War and Peace, Barack obama versus Martin Luther King – by David Swanson

How about hearing it from the war veterans who has put down their guns and seek to end wars as a means of peace? And the victims who is actively advocating for peace?

Why you won’t see Veterans for peace on the cover of TIME Magazine – by Leah Volger

Families of 9/11 call for peace – by Tony Pecinovsky

Peaceful Tomorrows - Peaceful Tomorrows is an organization founded by family members of those killed on September 11th who have united to turn our grief into action for peace. By developing and advocating nonviolent options and actions in the pursuit of justice, we hope to break the cycles of violence engendered by war and terrorism. Acknowledging our common experience with all people affected by violence throughout the world, we work to create a safer and more peaceful world for everyone.

How about the testimonies, the accounts of horror and the pleas from the ordinary citizens for cease-fire? Those that does not bold weapons in their hands?

Libyan refugee testimony – by Leonor Massanet and Flavio Signore

Mohanned Magam, Murdered by NATO’s terrorists in Libya – by Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey

Bahrain: US Ally Kills Children… So when is NATO intervening? – by Finian Cunningham

US and British-Backed Bahrain Regime: the use of “Toxic Terror” in Collective Punishment – by Finian Cunningham

Residents say NATO’s airstrikes killed 85 people, including 33 children, 32 women and 20 men. NATO’s massacre at Majer, Libya – by Franklin Lamb

Only the people of Libya should decide their future. Democracy is about people having choices. It is not about bombing people into submission or killing all opposition/dissenters. How many more people will have to die in the endless wars? To date, which country that has fallen into civil war has seen their lives improved? How do the Iraqis and the Afghans and all other innocent people caught in the war rebuilt their lives when everything they build is subjected to constant bombs and bullets? They have gained nothing but poverty, hunger, destruction, loss of loved ones, daily violence and constant fear.

Is this the freedom and democracy the people sought? How long does the ‘peacekeepers’ intends to stay in their country? 20 years? 50 years? 100 years and beyond? Is this freedom? Pray tell, what are they freeing themselves from? Who is going to free the innocent people from the gun welding thugs? How many years of painful and diligent nation building, the labour of love are destroyed in the blink of an eye with one single bomb, not to mention the thousands that has been used to date?

If war, bombs and bloodshed is the way to peaceful resolve of conflict, then the world will be peaceful. Once everyone is dead. Which will be very soon since everyone has their own opinion and conflict is part and parcel of life. Bombing people to protect them? Where is the logic? An eye for an eye, and the world goes blind.

In all wars, the people are the victims and the biggest losers. Everyone can say that they want peace with flowery words but if we stop and think for a while, what are they actually saying? That it is alright to get a gun and shoot the government into oblivion if we do not like the ELECTED government? That if we feel oppressed, we can get NATO’s help to train us as rebels and provide us with guns and bombs to overthrow our elected government (Even though we do not approve of the government)? If we subscribe to it, there won’t be any government that will last more than one day since it’s a free for all.

And what will be the ultimate price to pay for all that? There will be killings everyday and no one can form a government except the mightiest in terms of weaponry and brutality which will only result in authoritarian regime and sufferings for the people. The right to plunder by foreign interests? Constant living in fear and terror of flying bullets and bombs? Destructions of the progress and developments we have made so far? Deaths of our loved ones? Are we willing to pay such a price?

The media is a powerful tool that shapes our views on all issues. Read the media, check which side of view they are coming from. Think for ourselves and form opinions whether we agree or not to their views. Each of us has our own sense of right and wrong. Everyone has an agenda in airing their views. Are they doing it for the good of people? Who ultimately benefits from it all?  Do we subscribe to the values ‘Do as I say’ or ‘Do as I do’? Read their lips and watch their actions. Are they really doing what they say they are? It will tell us who are the liars and its victims. And hopefully, we will not fall prey to the propaganda that brings nothing but destruction of humanity and mankind.