Thank you for visiting my humble site.
If you have but a moment, please allow at least 15 minutes of your precious time on the link below. The words and the first five video shared in the link shook me to the core as no words can do. And I appeal upon you to share it with your friends and families and help spread it far and wide that the truth would be known to the people, even if just one person.
"Yes, I'm saying that it's all lies"
I wept in grief and shame at the destruction that has been brought to the people of Libya after reading through everything and viewed the videos. I have been following closely on the developments of propaganda surrounding the Libya invasion as an anti-war supporter. But nothing i have read thus far moved me as much and brought home to me with the entire weight on my conscience at the degree of atrocity, depravity and crime that has been committed against this country and its people. Their version of democracy and people engagement put my entire belief in ours to shame. Yes, the war and destruction that has been wrought to it is a crime against humanity and everything good in life that I belief in.
I condemn the actions of NATO and the war-mongers. And I implore upon everyone with a shred of conscience to spread the words of peace and reject the endless war propaganda. International Criminal Court, please hear our pleas and charge NATO together with the war-mongers with war crimes!
Eventhough i cannot see all of the videos,but I occasionally tune in to CNN and other web channels ever since the conflict started.Its a horryfing scene actually out there.I occasionally tune in to CNN and other web channels ever since the conflict started.Its a horryfing scene actually out there.